Joseph Klesken washing up after a day's work at the rip tracks at Proviso yards of the C & NW RR., Chicago, Ill.(LOC)
Casting a billet from an electric furnace, Chase Brass and Copper Co., Euclid, Ohio. Modern electric furnaces have helped considerablyinspeeding the production of brass and other copper alloys for nationaldefense. Here the molten metal is poured or cas
C & NW RR, putting the finishing touches on a rebuilt caboose at the rip tracks at Proviso yard, Chicago, Ill.(LOC)
Repair tracks of the Chicago and Northwestern R.R. (LOC)
Santa Fe RR freight train about to leave for the West Coast from Corwith yard, Chicago, Ill., Santa Fe R.R. trip(LOC)
Activity in the Santa Fe R.R. yard, Los Angeles, Calif. All switch lights, head lights and lamps have been shaded from above in accordance with blackout regulations. The heavy light streaks are caused by paths of locomotive headlights and the thin lines b
Retiring a locomotive driver wheel, Shopton, Iowa. The tire is heated by means of gas until it can be slipped over the wheel. Contraction on cooling will hold it firmly in shape. Santa Fe R.R. (LOC)