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NPHOTO网友 2012-12-04 18:33 发表 | 16楼 |
佳能也没给我返修啊,死活不承认,坑了一大堆用户,A570那款。还是一家用非单反机,然后我就不信佳能了 |
手机用户 2012-12-05 08:41 发表 | 17楼 |
在中国的服务就不要拿到世界来对比了吧,不能代表全球服务。 |
NPHOTO网友 2012-12-05 16:59 发表 | 18楼 |
我的5D2拍视频把CMOS烧坏了,佳能不保修,说这是用户问题,简直是太垃圾了。 |
NPHOTO网友 2012-12-07 18:58 发表 | 19楼 |
Now Canon so addicted to black tape in large area using, too bad. In past Canon have ever had the best electronic process design, none much black tape abused. The black tape are able to be replaced with black flexible film, and fixed by screws together. (Screws were already existing) Though others or old Canon cameras also have some tapes, never abusing so much, merely in poor Pentax excepted. |
NPHOTO网友 2012-12-07 19:03 发表 | 20楼 |
看起来转帖者基本不懂相机光电和电子产品 EMI/EMC 处理和技术, 只知道写什么“金属保护板”,什么“电器绝缘”, 其实无关那些。塑料化很严重的Nikon d600 内除了一金属主骨架外,还大量使用了铜带,许多金属薄片的各种不同的冲压件, 难道都是“金属保护板”?“保护”什么? Canon 相机内侧工艺在倒退, 滥用黑胶布敷衍了事,从5d3到6d 黑胶布尽在, 今后 Canon就是黑胶布工艺? |
NPHOTO网友 2012-12-07 19:06 发表 | 21楼 |
Now Canon so addicted to black tape in large area using, too bad. In past Canon have ever had the best electronic process design, none much black tape abused. The black tape are able to be replaced with black flexible film, and fixed by screws together. (Screws were already existing) Though others or old Canon cameras also have some tapes, never abusing so much, merely in poor Pentax excepted. |
NPHOTO网友 2013-01-29 19:04 发表 | 22楼 |
应该不是黑胶布,是石墨散热膜来吧。。。 |
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